Tuesday, October 11, 2016

I am for private health insurance where government will not interfere at all. I know your fear. That fear is because of lack of understanding how natural systems work. They work by itself but since we are not in the garden of Eden there are going to be malfunctions like there are hurricanes and earthquakes to balance the climate. Thare are self-corrective mechanisms in a free market economy that will again bring thigs back to balance. The problem is that politicians take advantage of our fears so they can be in power.  The great Depression took long to balance (not really, is still under the weather) because 1913 Woodrow Wilson FRS curse. We are not really a capitalist country and not until then we will not experience real economic bonanza.

Why The Ralphington Post

One man, Abraham, made a covenant with God and the nation was Israel was born. It was through this nation that Jesus the Messiah came to redeem the world. Israel didn't understand the reason why they were chosen and failed to qualify for the second part of the Covenant.

As the nation of Israel failed to receive Jesus the Messiah, God's plan for a temporal nation from where the Gospel could be preached to all the world fell on America. This time a covenant was made between a group of men and God. The Mayflower Compact marked the beginning of this nation.

A series of political discourse throughout history will give us some insight about the temporal reason for America to exist. There is a time in history in which America will diminish like John the Babtist to allow Jerusalem to take preeminence. Meanwhile America is exceptional.