Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Liberalism Vs. Conservatism

We are experiencing the falling from grace of this nation that once was the greatest nation on earth.President Obama didn't and doesn't like that title for United Sates of America by his own confession. He likes for this country to mix with the rest of the nations around the earth and having no singular nation as leader. That sounds more like mediocrity to me. A nation that compete against itself to be better constantly sets the example for other nations to do the same.

This nation became great not by chance or by being lucky or anything like it. The reason was first God's blessing because as the Bible says: "Blessed is a nation whose God is Jehovah". Once the favor of God stared to work for this nation men with all kind of wisdom arrived here. The economy flourished as capitalism became the natural system that brought prosperity to millions. By the grace of God Adam Smith received wisdom from God to write :"The Wealth of Nations".

To be continued

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Why The Ralphington Post

One man, Abraham, made a covenant with God and the nation was Israel was born. It was through this nation that Jesus the Messiah came to redeem the world. Israel didn't understand the reason why they were chosen and failed to qualify for the second part of the Covenant.

As the nation of Israel failed to receive Jesus the Messiah, God's plan for a temporal nation from where the Gospel could be preached to all the world fell on America. This time a covenant was made between a group of men and God. The Mayflower Compact marked the beginning of this nation.

A series of political discourse throughout history will give us some insight about the temporal reason for America to exist. There is a time in history in which America will diminish like John the Babtist to allow Jerusalem to take preeminence. Meanwhile America is exceptional.